Treatment of prostatitis at home

Different means for each person can be both effective and not be beneficial. But experts agree that, in the treatment of prostatitis of the means of the population can be very productive. In addition, the page of therapy is included in a comprehensive approach to treat prostate problems. The restoration of the health of men contribute to proven recipes.

What is prostatitis

Prostate gland – a major organ of the male, the size and the shape resembles the nuts of chestnut. Through its activities, is produced by the liquid, which gives the meeting of the sperm the ability to feed and move around to reach your objective of the ovum. Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate, it is caused by different factors. In most cases, the cause of the development of this disease are from infection.

There are several varieties of prostatitis, some bad news the infectious nature, others caused by the activity of the bacteria. In all cases, the treatment is done by antibiotics, and the folk remedies are a complement to mandatory basic therapy.

The home treatment will be more effective if it is combined with the traditional treatment, prescribed by your doctor.

Treatment of folk remedies

The therapy cures acute and chronic prostatitis is possible. The most popular recipes and recommendations in this direction include the physical activity and the application useful for the strength of the men of the products.

  1. Physical exercise

  2. During the treatment of prostatitis is a priority systematic physical exercises. The courts play an important role on the path of healing, with the right diet, and other procedures. The use of physical restraints because of their influence on the circulation of the whole body, especially in the pelvic region. Healing courses enjoy:

    • Strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
    • Improve the functioning of the nervous system;
    • Reduce the intensity of the inflammation;
    • Tones the body.

    A series of exercises for the prevention of prostatitis

    For best results, put in place sets of exercises to the description. The huge advantage of bring simple activities: jogging, the exercise of the press, walking and squats.

    It is important to carry out the services of constant and regular. Exercises are the most effective to eliminate the flow into the pelvic area, which are easy to perform at home, are the following:

    1. Breathing exercises. A deep breath for the belly went to the front, and then exhale with force, the stomach retracts. 5-10 repetitions in the positions, standing, sitting, and lying down.
    2. The contraction of the rectum, to remain in such a state of 10 seconds. Is up to 20 times.
    3. Jumps. Only the training to commit approximately 100 jumps until fatigue is felt in the legs.
    4. Standing on one leg, the other raising and swinging her in different directions. Then, a change of pace, every complete a minimum of 50 has been selected.
    5. A great way to get rid of prostate problems direct of the string. The feet push to the hand, until you feel tension, but not worth it to do too much.
    6. Sitting on the floor, the legs straight, move back and forth on the buttocks. In 50 of these steps.
    7. Make at least 100 turns of the part of FE standing, legs apart, and the slopes to the side, back and front.
    8. Lying on the tummy, put a small ball and roll his belly is not less than 5 minutes, it is an excellent massage for the internal organs.
    9. Sitting on the floor with the legs straight, do take a tour to get socks. If it's to keep the episodes of the hands, focusing on 3-4 seconds. Repeat 20 times.

    These simple exercises can apply and for the prevention of prostatitis.

  3. The pumpkin seeds in the treatment of prostatitis

  4. The most popular product for the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies is pumpkin. On the amazing properties of seeds of legends, they are still in the ancient times, have been used to treat diseases of the male. All in their unique composition, in the list of virtues cucurbit seeds between and the solution of problems of the prostate.

    The pumpkin seeds at the prostatitis

    Compared to other useful products (for example, a source of zinc may become oysters), seeds are accessible to all. Just at the onset of the first signs of prostatitis eat 30 seeds per day. Useful as they are for the treatment of the implementation of the chronic prostatitis. Are used for prevention of diseases of the prostate.

    The seeds of pumpkin is not the only way of prostatitis, it can be treated with the help of a nest of balls or pumpkin pie oil.

    A feast is prepared easily at home, kg of seed to pass into the meat grinder and mix with one cup of honey. Of the mass to form balls the size of a walnut, which are stored in the refrigerator. Before you eat once per day eat 1-2 of these bulbs, it is necessary to putty well. Important: the seeds must be fresh, the zest, and purified.

    Pumpkin oil is obtained by pressing. It should take three times a day 1 teaspoon, or add in salads. For the heat treatment, it is not suitable at high temperature kills most of the useful substances. Using the pumpkin pie of the oil, you can make microclystères, with a compress of cotton with the help of swabs, the rate is 10 procedures. For the treatment, it will take 0,5 l.

  5. The mummy and prostatitis

  6. In solving the question, how to cure prostatitis, you can't work around such a unique tool, like a mummy.

    The mummy is used in the recipes:

    1. With carrot juice. This tool allows you to eliminate the main symptoms of the inflammation on a short-term, according to the comments, in the first ten days of treatment, you should drink two times per day, half an hour after the meal, a glass of freshly squeezed juice with diluted with marie chupin, – 200 ml of fluid, 0.2 g mummy. Then, in a period of 20 days, the number of mummy is increased by half – cup of juice of 0.4 g of funds.
    2. Take the tool may be with the sea buckthorn juice. Preparing a composition similar to the carrot juice. The medication is taken before bedtime and before each meal, during the day in half an hour. In a glass of juice is dissolved 0.3 g mummy.
    3. The Honey egg yolk, the mixture is prepared from 1 egg, 0.2 g mummy, tablespoon of liquid honey and a few drops of sea buckthorn oil. Each time it is necessary to do the composition again, it is not stored. Used to an empty stomach 3 times daily before bedtime.
  7. Garlic against prostatitis

  8. This spicy aromatic condiment used in the treatment of many diseases, it contributes to the widening of blood vessels, helps reduce the development of the institute, occupies an important place on the garlic in the treatment and maintenance of masculine power. Its should not be added to the diet for the prevention of prostatitis, enough lunch, eat 2-3 cloves with a hot meal. If confuses the smell of garlic, you can easily neutralize the lemon.

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    For the treatment used, the compositions of the following:

    1. 4 large cloves of garlic, crushed and steamed 3 cups of boiling water. Let the mix sit over night. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink - a-glass, the same procedure takes place in the evening before bedtime. Make infusions in the course of the month.
    2. It is useful to milk with the garlic, the broth is prepared from cup of hot liquid and a tablespoon of shells of spices, it is necessary to boil the composition for one minute, after a little drain and you can drink during the day before meals for 2 tablespoons.
    3. Alcoolate well relieves inflammation. Prepares to it from 400 g of fresh product and 0.5 liters of alcohol, letting the mixture should be in a dark place. Take 20 drops each day, morning and evening.
    4. Vitamins 0.5 liter of honey, lemon and garlic in equal proportions crushed in a meat grinder and mix. Then, there is an emphasis in a period of 7 days. Consume the mass required three times per day before meals for 2-3 teaspoon.
    5. For the destruction of germs and bacteria used in the garlic juice. Its out of 20 big teeth, and mixed with sugar, 20 teaspoons. To dissolve the mixture is poured on water and the warm-up, you must bring it to a boil. After maceration it is necessary to filter it and use it 4 times a day a tablespoon.

    In the opinion of the experts, the role of garlic in the treatment of prostatitis proven, but not so simple. Its properties help to relieve inflammation, improve blood circulation. But if the disease is caused by a stone, of the garlic, the use will not be.

  9. The products of beekeeping and balms

  10. Honey is considered as one of the most powerful means against the prostatitis, it can be consumed pure or make him a candle. Used for the treatment and the pollen, its consumed on an empty stomach, a tablespoon three times a day. In addition to the anti-inflammatory action, it has an impact on the whole body in the saturating of useful substances.

    Effective, treatment of bee, pomerania, it is poured 0.5 liters of cold water. The mixture is heated and boiled on low heat for 2 hours. Decoction to drink a tablespoon three times per day, you can combine the consumption of honey. Stored received tool in the refrigerator.

    The antibacterial properties and propolis. At its base is done alcoolate, 40 drops which is dissolved 0.5 cups of water. Drink before the meal, the duration of the treatment course of 45 days.

    With propolis, you can prepare candles, it is an excellent remedy for hemorrhoids. 40 g of propolis is to dissolve it in a glass of pure alcohol and let it simmer over medium heat until the obtaining of the extract. Then, 0.1 g of the tool is mixed with 2 g of cocoa butter, this composition rolls at the candle, you need to insert it in the rectum before bedtime. The rate is 30 days, repeat after 4-6 weeks of pause.

    Honey and rye flour to prepare the candles, 3 spoons mix with the honey and the egg, formants in the dough. The spark plugs are not formed thicker than 1 cm, are inserted they the morning and in the evening after emptying the bowel. Course – 1 month, repeat a week if necessary.

    On the basis of products of beekeeping, and in the altai, the mummy launch a series of balms

  11. Nutritional supplements for the prevention of prostatitis

Among the dietary supplements, we can distinguish two main types:

  1. The extract of the berries of saw Palmetto
  2. The berries of saw palmetto ensure the proper functioning of the prostate, as well as:

    • has a positive impact on prostate cancer.
    • the favourable action on urinary system.
    • the prevention and treatment of impotence;
    • has a beneficial effect on urinary system.
  3. Other supplements made from the berry extract of saw Palmetto, with contents that are necessary, useful for men with oligo-elements

On the causes of prostatitis

Before addressing the question of how to treat diseases of the prostate, you need to understand the causes of their appearance. If the cause of the development of the disease of steel is not an infection, the main factor of its appearance is the flow of blood in the pelvic region.

This phenomenon is caused:

  • Bad habits;
  • The hormonal changes;
  • Sitting mode of life;
  • A little physical activity;
  • The constant stress;
  • Low immunity;
  • Hypothermia.

The infectious nature of the disease is characterized by using a shot in the prostate infection of the bladder, the rectum, the blood or the lymphatic system.

Change the way of life

Because the main causes that provoke the development of prostate disease is malnutrition and bad habits, the first step on the path of healthy living – change the way of life. At the onset of the first signs of prostatitis and after the treatment, it is advisable to respect certain rules in the diet. Because it is often the system special treatment plan, which includes the following principles.

The failure of products with a high extract, it is solid beverages with the ethyl alcohol in the composition, spicy and salted, smoked and canned products of meat, marinades and pickles, sodas, fast food and snacks, for the production of sauces. These products irritate mucous membranes, they are poorly digested and lead to accumulation in an organism of liquid and salts. This causes the appearance of edema, constipation and the flow of urine, which makes it difficult for the treatment of prostatitis.

The diet must contain foods rich in vitamins and minerals. It is fresh, the vegetables and fruits, not to expose them to a heat treatment that destroys useful chemical elements and reduces the value of nutrient. It is important to ensure a daily intake of vitamin c, which is contained in large amounts in berries, rosehips, citrus, gooseberries, currants.

In the menu must be foods with fat-soluble vitamins A and E, which are rich in oil and fish, vitamins from the group b, the top of their content in the cereals, the bread of the flour. During inflammatory processes, the body needs iron and zinc, which are directly involved in the organization of the work of the genitals. They are rich in animal meats, nuts, seafood and celery.

Important decision during the exacerbation of the prostatitis – the abandonment of tobacco. It is understood that the nicotine has an impact on the body, it contributes to the decrease of the production of the male hormone – testosterone, impairs prostate function, reduces venous reflux in the pelvic organs. This causes the development of diseases, including prostatitis. According to the researchers proved that smoking increases the risk of developing the disease in men after the age of 35 years.

Live fully in the prostatitis may be, is not a conviction. It is important to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, give up bad habits and limit the impact of stress. And good prevention will significantly reduce the risk of onset of the disease.